Personal Boot Camp

Boot Camp is a package of intensive training sessions designed to be attacked quickly and in a shorter period of time.

Boot Camp is a great way to kick off your new exercise regime and a new you. Your body will react quicker in the first few weeks of starting a new exercise program and boot camp is designed to maximise on this to give the quickest start to lose weight, tone up and get fit as quick as possible.

Each boot camp session will be planned to take into account your personal abilities and designed to push you to your training limits to give you the best results in the shortest time possible.

When embarking upon a Boot Camp training plan please ensure you can attend all of the sessions booked to make full advantage of the package.

If you have only one friend who you would like to train with, please see my Boot Camp With A Friend package.

For further information about boot camp training then please contact me.

Boot Camp sessions must be pre-booked in advance and will be intense, for example a six week Boot Camp might consist of three sessions per week, with each session being booked on alternate days to give time for muscle recovery in between sessions and one rest day per week. 'Homework' may also be given for those recovery days.







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